Kidderminster is located approximately 17 miles south west of Birmingham.
Worcester is approximately 16 miles to the south, Bromsgrove approximately 11 miles to the south east, and Dudley approximately 13 miles to the North West.
J5 of M5 is the closest Motorway Junction approximately 8 miles distant.
The bays are of steel portal frame construction, with a lined profile metal clad roof incorporating translucent light panels, and brick and profiled metal elevations.
The eaves height extends to approximately 9m.
The bays benefit from a number of full length cranes up to 20 tonnes and fitted with high bay LED lighting.
There are both level access doors (front and rear) and an internal tailboard loading bay (rear).
The site is securely fenced with a mixture of tarmac and concrete surfaced loading and unloading areas to the front and rear of the property.
The property benefits from a modern two storey integral office which provides office and welfare accommodation.
It is believed that all main services are either available or connected to the property.
Interested parties should verify this for themselves.
The agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings, or services and so cannot verify they are in working order or fit for their purpose.
Upon Application
All rentals etc are quotes exclusive of business rates, service charge, utilities, VAT, and all other outgoings, etc. Rental to be payable quarterly in advance.
Main Two Bay Warehouse – 61,337 sq ft (5,698.35 sq m)
Two Storey Office & Amenity Block – 2,300 sq ft (213.68 sq m)
Rear Store – 2,363 sq ft (219.53 sq m)
Total - 66,000 sq ft (6,131.55 sq m)
A new FRI type lease for a term of years to be agreed between the parties and incorporating upward only rent reviews.
A variable charge is levied to cover the cost of upkeep, maintenance and management, of common parts and facilities.
Levied on a fair proportion basis.
The site and premises are situated within the South Kidderminster Enterprise Park (SKEP) and is allocated by the Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016-2036) as Employment Land.
All interested parties to make their own planning enquiries; 01562 732 928
Each party to pay for their own costs incurred in a transaction.
2023 Rateable Value: £230,000
2024/25 rates payable (0.546p in the £): £125,580
Prospective tenants are advised to verify this information with the local authority business rates department.
Full vacant possession will be offered upon completion of all legal formalities.
All rentals etc exclude the liability of VAT, which may be chargeable as an addition and at the appropriate rate prevailing.
C71 (valid until September 2034).
White Rose Real Estates Ltd for themselves, for any joint Agents, the vendors or lessors give notice that these particulars have been prepared and are intended for general guidance of the prospective purchasers or lessees but do not constitute or form part of any offer or contract. All Information, descriptions, dimensions, references to permissions, use, occupation and other details is supplied in good faith and believed to be correct at the date of issue. The accuracy of such information cannot however be guaranteed and intending purchasers or lessees must rely on their own inspection, enquiries and survey. Neither the directors nor the staff of White Rose Real Estates Ltd or any joint Agent or sub Agent has authority to make or give any representations or warranties whatsoever in relation to the property.